Soil & Water Conservation District
Celebrating conservation since 1948
Pennington SWCD Celebrates
75 Years of Conservation
Check out the pictures below of the Pennington SWCD 75th Anniversary Banquet. One hundred and forty-five people attended this fun-filled evening at the Legacy Events Center in Thief River Falls. The evening started out with a presentation of past Outstanding Cooperators shown before dinner. Honored guests included Terry and Geraldine Hunt (2022 Outstanding Conservationists), Wade & Marisa Benson and Faye Auchenpaugh (2022 Rural Beautification Winners), our 2022 Rainfall Monitors, and this year’s fourth and fifth grade poster contest winners. There was a tribute to Barb Molskness for her 46 years of service with the District. Luther Newton, NRCS District Conservationist - Customer Service Team Lead, awarded a plaque to the SWCD in recognition of 75 years of leadership for the conservation of natural resources. Matt Fischer, from the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), presented the SWCD with a plaque in recognition of 75 years of bringing water management and conservation to the people and lands of Pennington County. The highlight of the evening was a historical video produced by two staff members and narrated by Grant Nelson telling the story of the past 75 years of the SWCD. Evergreen Catering served up a scrumptious beef dinner, and the WoodPicks provided some toe-tapping musical entertainment to top off the evening. What a fantastic way of celebrating 75 years with the residents of Pennington County.

Click Here to view the Pennington SWCD 75th Anniversary Video!