Soil & Water Conservation District
Celebrating conservation since 1948
Tree Program
Each spring the Pennington SWCD sells, distributes and plants thousands of young trees and shrubs. We serve the conservation-minded families with projects including shelterbelts, windbreaks, enhanced wildlife habitats, water and soil conservation, and natural ecosystem restoration.
SWCD conservation trees and shrubs provide multiple benefits to natural communities including energy savings, increased property value, shelter, food, and water quality protection. The Pennington SWCD also provide technical assistance to design these plantings. Our staff is available to visit with you to plan and design your tree planting. Soil types are reviewed for each site using the Soil Survey to determine tree suitability. Tree and row spacing is determined by which species are used. Setback from buildings and roads are also considered. The SWCD plans everything to get the job done.
The SWCD conservation planting stock originates from nurseries in the region. Most plants are 18-24 inches tall. The stock is shipped directly from the nursery in a refrigerated semi-trailer and delivered to the SWCD for distribution the first week in May.